About Webinar

With over one billion active users, Instagram has emerged as one of the most popular social media channels in recent times. Each month over 130 million users engage with shopping posts on Instagram. We wish to highlight what it means for brands to be on Instagram and leverage a captive customer base that’s looking to interact and engage! Businesses can target these users by leveraging Instagram features such as highlights, stories and direct messaging. This requires businesses to step up their conversational messaging capabilities and have the ability to respond quickly to share timely and relevant information

However, there is a significant variance in the conversational experiences that businesses currently deliver on Instagram. Can they respond instantaneously? Can they engage with users who have liked their stories? Above all, how can they elevate the customer experience with robust messaging, automation support that enables seamless and contextual conversational threads. By leveraging Instagram for Business API, brands can optimize their customer communication workflows and offer a seamless engagement platform. Instagram messaging helps businesses respond quickly and communicate in a personalized manner, enabling brands to build trust and loyalty and better engage with their customers.

With this session, we hope to show how to make the most of Instagram by driving meaningful conversations, increasing customer satisfaction, and boosting sales!

Abha Maheshwari
Director and Head of Commerce, Payments and Platform Meta
Hemant Kakkar
VP - Growth Marketing & Analytics The Man Company
Niyati Agarwal
Director - Product & Strategy Gupshup
Prathamesh Dembla
Head of Growth Licious
Ravi Sundararajan
Chief Operating Officer Gupshup
Vishal Jindal
Co-founder Biryani By Kilo
Discussion highlights

What is Instagram Business API and how does it help level up business communication

Optimizing Instagram Messaging API for businesses to improve customer journeys

Best Practices in Instagram Conversational Messaging

Driving Engagement and Interaction with chatbots

Leveraging quick reply buttons, rich media, ice breakers and a lot more to enhance customer experience

Better Monetization with integrated commerce and secure payments

12:00 – 12:15 pm (IST): Opening & Introduction followed by Fireside chat between
Ravi Sundararajan and Abha Maheshwari
12:15 – 01:00 pm (IST): Panel Discussion: Moderated by Ravi Sundararajan
- Abha Maheshwari
- Hemant Kakkar
- Niyati Agarwal
- Prathamesh Dembla
- Vishal Jindal
01:00 – 01:15 pm (IST): Q&A and Closing Remarks
About Gupshup

Gupshup enables better customer engagement through conversational messaging. Gupshup is the leading conversational messaging platform, powering over 6 billion messages per month. Across verticals, thousands of large and small businesses in emerging markets use Gupshup to build conversational experiences across marketing, sales and support. Gupshup’s carrier-grade platform provides a single messaging API for 30+ channels, a rich onversational experience-building tool kit for any use case and a network of emerging market partnerships across messaging channels, device manufacturers, ISVs and operators. With Gupshup, businesses have made conversations an integral part of their customer engagement success.

To know more, visit: https://www.gupshup.io/