Slide 1 WAVES AI Art Installation Challenge
Slide 1 WAVES Explorer
Slide 1 WAVES Reel Making
  • WAVES AI Art Installation Challenge
  • WAVES Explorer
  • WAVES Reel Making

About The Challenge

The AI Art Installation Challenge is an innovative competition that invites artists, designers, and AI enthusiasts to create immersive and interactive art installations using Artificial Intelligence.

The challenge aims to promote the fusion of art, technology, and AI, pushing the boundaries of creative expression. The primary objective of the challenge is to design and create engaging audio-visual art installations that showcase AI's capabilities in art. Participants will be encouraged to experiment with various AI tools, algorithms, and techniques to create unique and captivating installations.

Eligibility Guidelines
  • Open to artists, designers, AI enthusiasts, technologists, and interdisciplinary teams.
  • Participants can be individuals or teams of up to 5 members.
  • Open to all experience levels, from students to professionals.
  • All submissions must be original and created specifically for this challenge.
  • Use of copyrighted or pre-existing work is prohibited unless the participant holds the necessary rights.
  • Teams are encouraged to combine diverse skills, including art, design, and AI technology.
  • The art installations should align with a specific theme related to India, such as cultural heritage, or any other relevant aspect.
  • Submissions should be in the form of a prototype or mockup of their installation to showcase feasibility and interactivity.
  • The Submission should also include the project description outlining the process, inspiration, and AI techniques used.
    • Visual representations (sketches or 3D models).
    • A short video (up to 5 minutes) explaining the concept and demonstrating any prototypes or simulations.
Submission Guidelines
Evaluation Criteria
  • How creatively does the installation integrate AI with art?
  • Innovation of the concept
  • Effective representation of the chosen Indian theme
  • Effectiveness of AI tools and algorithms used
  • Engagement with the audience in a meaningful way, encouraging participation or emotional response
  • Can the installation be realistically developed and implemented in a physical or digital space?
  • Scalability for larger audiences

Disqualification Criteria:

Any project found to be plagiarized or using unauthorized content will be disqualified.

Failure to adhere to the submission and eligibility guidelines will result in disqualification.


1 The challenge will begin from September 2024 through mid-December 2024
2 The first round or Phase I will entail participants making their submissions along with their prototypes to be submitted by mid December, 2024
3 In the second round or Phase II, the top 15 shortlisted participants will be given an opportunity to submit their final installation by second week of January, 2024.
4 The winners will be announced by mid January, 2024 and will get to feature their AI art at WAVES25 and will get guided sessions with Industry experts in AI art and installation design.The first round or Phase I will entail participants making their submissions along with their prototypes to be submitted by mid December, 2024

The challenge encourages influencers to explore and showcase the hidden gems, cultural attractions, and Media & Entertainment (M&E) industry hotspots in their cities by way of their vlogs. This will help in promote tourism and cultural exchange among cities and foster a community of content creators who can share their experiences and inspire others.

Eligibility Guidelines
  • Open to social media influencers, vloggers, and content creators with an established presence on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, etc.
  • Influencers are to explore a city other than their native town/city and create a vlog showcasing its hidden gems, cultural attractions, and M&E industry hotspots.
  • The chosen city must be within India.
  • All content must be original and created specifically for the Waves Explorer challenge.
  • Vlogs should be between 5 to 10 minutes in length.


There shall be three categories for the

Focus on Northeastern states
College Students ranging between the age of 18 - 24 years and
General (Age limit upwards of 24 years)
  • Vlogs must be uploaded to the participant’s preferred social media platform (YouTube, Instagram, etc.) with the hashtag #WavesExplorer2024 and a tag to the event’s official account.
  • Showcase at least three hidden gems or cultural attractions and one M&E industry hotspot.
  • Incorporate high-quality visuals, engaging narration, and culturally relevant information.
  • The submission should include a brief introduction explaining why the city was chosen along with the name, contact details, and name of the organisation.
Submission Guidelines
Evaluation Criteria
  • Creativity in presenting the city and its attractions.
  • Viewer engagement, including likes, comments, shares, and overall reach of the vlog.
  • Focus on the hidden gems, cultural attractions, and M&E industry hotspots.
  • Technical quality of the vlog, including video clarity, editing, sound quality, and overall presentation.

Disqualification Criteria:

Any project found to be plagiarized or using unauthorized content will be disqualified.

Failure to adhere to the submission and eligibility guidelines will result in disqualification.


1 The challenge will continue from September 2024 through mid-December 2024.
2 The first round will entail participants uploading and submitting their vlogs, from which 5 people will be shortlisted in each category.
3 The top shortlisted participants will be given an opportunity to reshoot and provide their final vlog by the first week of January 2025.
4 Out of the 15 vlogs shortlisted, 1 winner will be chosen in each category by mid-January 2025.
5 The winners will be featured on MIB’s official social media channels and will be given the opportunity to collaborate with other influencers and content creators.

The challenge invites participants to create engaging reels that showcase India's current technological and infrastructural achievements, as well as visionary ideas for future advancements that could define "Viksit Bharat" (Developed India) and India@2047. The reels should focus on highlighting how technology and infrastructure are transforming India’s M&E industry, driving innovation, and setting the stage for the future of entertainment and media in the country.

Eligibility Guidelines
  • Open to influencers, students, professionals, content creators, and enthusiasts in the fields of media, entertainment, and technology.
  • Individuals and teams of up to 3 members can participate.
  • Reels should be up to 90 seconds in length.
  • Reels must be uploaded to social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #WAVESReelChallenge and tagged to the official Ministry event account and IAMAI account.
  • Reels can be in any Indian language but must include subtitles if the primary language is not English or Hindi.
  • No copyrighted material, including music, images, or video clips, can be used unless participants have the legal rights or permissions.
  • The content must be appropriate for all audiences and should not include any offensive or defamatory material.


The Reel must focus on either of the following

  • Highlight innovations such as digital content platforms (OTT), advanced film production techniques, state-of-the-art studio facilities, digital broadcasting, or immersive entertainment technologies like AR/VR that are revolutionizing India’s M&E sector.
  • Envisioning what the Indian M&E industry could achieve by 2047 in terms of tech and infrastructure, including AI-driven content creation, next-gen digital entertainment platforms, smart distribution networks, or futuristic media consumption trends.
  • Indian Festivals.
  • Indian Cuisines.
  • Creativity in conveying the evolution or future of India’s M&E sector.
  • Innovative perspective on how technology and infrastructure are driving this industry.
  • Quality of the reel, including video clarity, editing, sound design, and overall presentation.
  • Ability of the reel to resonate with the audience, including social media engagement (likes, shares, comments).
  • Effectiveness of the reel in conveying a clear, compelling narrative related to the M&E sector within the short format.
Evaluation Criteria

Disqualification Criteria:

Any project found to be plagiarized or using unauthorized content will be disqualified.

Failure to adhere to the submission and eligibility guidelines will result in disqualification.


1 The challenge will continue from September 2024 through mid-December 2024.
2 Participants must upload their reels on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #WAVESReelChallenge and tag the official Ministry event account and IAMAI account.
3 Reels must also be officially submitted, stating the category along with name, contact details, name of the organization, social media handle, etc., clearly by 20th December 2024.
4 The top 10 shortlisted participants in each category will be given an opportunity to reshoot and upload their reels by mid-January 2024. The winners in each category will be announced in the last week of January 2024.
5 The Ministry will facilitate participation of finalists in international-level content creators competitions.