About the Roundtable Discussion
As of 2021, there were over 86 million smartphone users in Indonesia and this is expected to increase to 239 million by 2026. The surge in mobile usage across Indonesia’s booming digital population presents marketers with an opportunity to engage and connect to a new, mobile-centric consumer base. Marketers have realised that mobile marketing is essential while developing an effective marketing strategy.

IAMAI, in association with mCanvas, presents the much-awaited thought-leadership roundtable that presents a closer look at how leading brands in Indonesia are Leveraging Disruptive Mobile Solutions to Drive Branding at Scale.
Discussion Crux
The roundtable will focus on engaging customer interactions and how they make profound changes in the way brands are connecting with target audiences on the mobile phone, via the following discussion points:
The importance of reach beyond mainstream channels / focus on mobile
The power of engagement-driven ads on the mobile phone
How in-app video mobile ads are stacking up against OTT giants
With audiences today expecting more from brands and their ads, hear from some marketing mavericks on how they adopted the agile business model in this fast-evolving online landscape and are enhancing their brand’s narrative.
Who will Participate?
Chief Marketing Officers
Head Marketing
Marketing Director
Rishi Sharma Senior Vice President Asia Pacific
Anish Daryani Founder & President Director
M&C Saatchi Indonesia
Arthur Constant Regional Gaming Division Lead - South East Asia
Axiata Digital
Deependra Singh Shekhawat Head of Digital
Omnicom Media Group
Mudit Govil Partner
Ryan McClure Managing Director, TWOMC Digital, Digital Board Advisor/ Co-Founder, Skylar Solutions
About mCanvas
mCanvas offers mobile branding solutions at scale that enable marketers to achieve campaign KPIs that matter – engagements, video views, and clicks. Over the past 7 years, we have been helping over 500 global brands to drive high-impact display and video ads to over 300 million users across premium mobile apps and websites. Our mobile ads integrate advanced features and sensors in the phone to provide users with disruptive ad experiences that are engaging and memorable. Our work has been recognised by industry stalwarts over the years, and has received over 80 renowned accolades.
Visit www.mCanvas.com, to learn more about what we have to offer.
Contact Us
For Speaking Opportunity: Manmeet Kaur | manmeet@iamai.in | +91 9870517067