Global Fintech Awards
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  • Best Lending Innovation for DNB

    Identifying the most preferred Lending Solution Provider in terms of ease of Integration, Best Business Relationship, Best Customer Friendly Solution or any such parameter

  • Best Payment Innovation for DNB

    Identifying the Best Payment Solutions, Payment Integration and other such digital payment technologies that has enabled Digital Native Brands to establish and expand their operations

  • Best Supply Chain and Logistics Partner for DNB

    Identifying the Best Supply Chain & Logistics Solutions for SME Digital Native Brands on a Pan-Indian basis

  • Best Technology Innovation for DNB

    Any adoption of technology solutions by brands or businesses to develop their online presence or enhance digital operations

  • Best Brand Building/Brand Identity Initiative

    Identifying the best Management Strategy to boost brand awareness, promote a specific product, establish connections and provide value to the target audience leading to customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and brand recognition

  • Best Brand Extension/Product Diversification Strategy

    Identifying the best brand extension or product diversification strategy adopted by brands for increasing product portfolio and increase in sales and customer base

  • Best Consumer Experience Strategy

    Any initiative by brands to ensure better customer experience, UI/UX, customer journey, customer introduction to the brand or any such activities that has enhanced the customer's experience in engaging with the brand

  • Best Content Marketing Strategy

    Any content campaign used to market products/services so as to win over clients for business, collaborations or partnerships will be eligible to be awarded under this category

  • Best Customer Loyalty Initiative

    Any innovative initiative by brands for customer retention/ customer loyalty rewarding or any such other related activities to ensure better customer loyalty and repeat transactions

  • Best Integrated Marketing Campaign

    Any agency that runs integrated marketing campaigns on behalf of brands across multi-channels through effective marketing automation successfully and engages a wide audience through its widespread media will be eligible to be entered into this category

  • Best Omnichannel Strategy

    Identifying the best omnichannel sales and marketing strategy adopted by brands for customer outreach and sales

  • Best Use of Digital Marketing/Social Media: Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram

    Any campaign or business that has made use of Social Media platforms for the promotion of their brands - either to drive awareness, launch a brand or drive sales will be eligible to be awarded under this category

  • Best Use of Email Marketing

    Commending brands for their email marketing prowess in engagement, personalization, segmentation, and revenue generation

  • Best Use of WhatsApp Marketing

    Honoring brands that excel in creative and effective WhatsApp marketing campaigns, driving exceptional engagement and ROI

  • Best Influencer Marketing Campaign

    Recognizing brands that have executed impactful influencer marketing campaigns to effectively reach and engage their target audience

  • DNB Product Innovation Award

    Acknowledging brands that lead the way in product creativity, market impact, customer reception, and sustainability efforts

  • Best Debutant Brand of the Year

    Recognizing outstanding new brands that have made a mark over the last 36 months (1st June 2021 to 1st July 2024) in terms of brand identity/recall, sales, innovation, customer engagement, and social impact

  • Best Digital Native Brand Entrepreneur of the Year

    Identifying the best Founder/Co-Founder of the year

  • Best Woman Entrepreneur of the Year

    Celebrating female entrepreneurs who demonstrated remarkable leadership in developing their brands in terms of business growth, innovation and community engagement